Publications |
Diagram from publons |
Published Items in Each Year / Citations in Each Year (click picture to enlarge)

The ten most cited publications [ ] number of citations |
1. |
Rapid Total Destruction of Chlorophenols by Activated Hydrogen Peroxide; S. Sen Gupta, M. Stadler, C. A. Noser, A. Gosh, B. Steinhoff, D. Lenoir, C. P. Horwitz, K.-W. Schramm, T. J. Collins, Science, 2002, Volume 296, Issue 5566, P:326-328 [314] [pdf] |
2. |
The Application of Low-Valent Titanium Reagents in Organic Synthesis; D. Lenoir, Synthesis 1989, Issue 12, P:883-897 [269] [pdf] |
3. |
Quantitative Comparison of de Novo and Precursor Formation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins under Simulated Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Postcombustion Conditions; L. C. Dickson, D. Lenoir, O. Hutzinger, Environ. Sci. Technol. 1992, Volume 26, Issue 9, P:1822-1828 [188] [pdf] |
4. |
Synthese tetrasubstituierter Ethylene durch reduktive Kupplung von Ketonen mittels Ti(II)-salzen. Zur Anwendung der Methode; D. Lenoir, Synthesis 1977, Issue 8, P:553-554 (Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Ethylenes by Reductive Coupling of Ketones with Ti(II) Salts. The Application of the Method) [141] [pdf] |
5. |
Fe-III-TAML-catalyzed green oxidative degradation of the azo dye Orange II by H2O2 and organic peroxides: products, toxicity, kinetics, and mechanisms, N. Chahbane, D. L. Mitchell, A. Chanda, D. Lenoir, A. D. Ryabov, T. Collins, Green Chemistry, 2007, Volume 9, Issue 1, P:49-57 [131] [pdf] |
6. |
Selective oxidation of organic compounds. Sustainable catalytic reactions with oxygen and without transition metals?; D. Lenoir, Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2006, Volume 45, Issue 20, P:3206-3210 [125] [pdf] |
7. |
Low melting sugar-urea-salt mixtures as solvents for organic reactions - estimation of polarity and use in catalysis; G. Imperato, S. Hoeger, D. Lenoir, Green Chemistry, 2006, Volume 8, Issue 12, P:1051-1055 [124] [no_pdf] |
8. |
Chemistry of protoadamantane. 7. Rapidly Equilibrating Unsymmetrically Bridged 1,3,5,7-Tetramethyl- and Rapid Equilibrating Trivalent 1,2,3,5,7- Pentamethyl-2-adamantyl Cations. Additivity of 13C NMR Chemical Shifts Relating the Classical vs. Nonclassical Nature of Carbocations; P. v. R. Schleyer, D. Lenoir, P. Mison, G. Liang, G. K. S. Prakash, G. A. Olah, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, Volume 102, Issue 2, P:683-691 [120] [pdf] |
9. |
What is the nature of the first formed intermediates in the electrophilic halogenation of alkenes, alkynes, and allenes? D. Lenoir, C. Chiappe, Chem. Eur. J., 2003, Volume 9, Issue 5, P:1036-1044 [105] [no_pdf] |
10. |
Chemistry of protoadamantane. 4. Preparation and Solvolysis of Secondary 4-Protoadamantyl Esters, the Relationship to the Solvolysis of 2-Adamantyl Derivatives; D. Lenoir, R. E. Hall, P. v. R. Schleyer, Journal of American Chem. Soc. 1974, Volume 96, Issue 7, P:2138-2148 [87] [pdf] |
Present value of h-index: 43 |
Research Topics (non multa, sed multum): see Publication List attached |
“Synergy of Experiments with Theory” |
1. |
Organic Chemistry |
1.1 |
Prelude, Steroids, Antibiotics; |
1.2 |
Carbocations; |
1.3 |
Sterically Strained Alkenes and Stilbenes, Bridgehead Alkenes; |
1.4 |
Mechanisms of Electrophilic Halogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes; |
2. |
Environmental Chemistry |
2.1 |
Vapour Pressure of Low Volatile Organic Compounds; |
2.2 |
Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds as Micropollutants, Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and –furans, Thermal Formation Mechanisms, Avoidance by Inhibition, Indicator Parameters; |
2.3 |
Brominated Aromatic Compounds as Flame Retardents, Nonhalogenated Alternatives, Degradations; |
2.4 |
Special Pollutants, Toxicology; |
2.5 |
Efficient Oxidation Methods for Pollutants; |
3. |
Theoretical and Educational Concepts in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry; |
List of Publications of Dieter Lenoir |
I |
Dissertation, Habilitation |
Synthesen und Eigenschaften von an Ring D substituierten Verbindungen aus der Digitanol-Reihe; Dissertation, Universität Bonn 1967
Zwei reaktive Zwischenstufen in der Organischen Chemie: Carbokationen und Brückenkopfolefine; Habilitation, Technische Universität München 1976 |
II |
Publications in Referenced Journals
with Number of Citations according to ISI web of Science and Clarivate Analytics from December 2021-1969,
224 publications, with 5857 citations, h=43, average citation of each paper: 26,1. |
[ List of publications until 2016 ] The latest list can be found on publons. |
Patents |
1. |
Nachverbrennung von Abgasen von Sondermüll- und Müllverbrennungsanla-gen, U. Nikolai, D. Lenoir, angemeldet für Deutschland, erteilt unter Nr. DE 4117477A1 in 1992 |
2. |
Verfahren zur Dekontaminierung und Regenerierung von Zeolithen; S. Leichsenring, D. Lenoir, A. Kettrup, H. G. May; angemeldet für Deutschland am 14.10.1994, erteilt unter Offenlegungsschrift Nr. DE 4436656 am 20.06.2002 |
3. |
Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und -Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen; D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup; Deutsche Patentanmeldung Nr. 199 53 418.7 vom 06. 11. 1999 |
4. |
Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und -Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen; D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup; Europa Patent PCTEP/10679 angemeldet am 10. 12. 1999 für folgende Länder: Deutschland, Östereich, Spanien, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Griechenland |
5. |
Europäische Patentanmeldung PLA 9981: Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und Furanen von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen, Anmeldenummer 00975968.9 am 31.10.2000 |
6. |
Europäische Patentschrift, Erteilung. Verfahren zur Minderung von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und –Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtempempera-turprozessen erteilt unter Offenlegungsschrift Nr. 00975968.9-2113/1226389 am 14.01.2005 |
7. |
US Patent: New Method for Reducing polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and –furans in exhaust gas, D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup, angemeldet (filed) am 19.04.2002 unter Nr. 131800, erteilt unter Nr. 6.924.408 am 02.08. 2005 |
IV |
Publications as Books, Chapters of Books and Conference Proceedings |
There are about 65 references of this type. |
V |
Reviews of Books |
Several reviews in Angew. Chem. and Nachrichten aus der Chemie, refereed in CAS; see reports in Science Finder |