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Published Items in Each Year / Citations in Each Year (click picture to enlarge)

Published Items in Each Year / Citations in Each Year (click to enlarge)


The ten most cited publications [ ] number of citations

1. Rapid Total Destruction of Chlorophenols by Activated Hydrogen Peroxide; S. Sen Gupta, M. Stadler, C. A. Noser, A. Gosh, B. Steinhoff, D. Lenoir, C. P. Horwitz, K.-W. Schramm, T. J. Collins, Science, 2002, Volume 296, Issue 5566, P:326-328 [314] [pdf]
2. The Application of Low-Valent Titanium Reagents in Organic Synthesis; D. Lenoir, Synthesis 1989, Issue 12, P:883-897 [269] [pdf]
3. Quantitative Comparison of de Novo and Precursor Formation of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins under Simulated Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Postcombustion Conditions; L. C. Dickson, D. Lenoir, O. Hutzinger, Environ. Sci. Technol. 1992, Volume 26, Issue 9, P:1822-1828 [188] [pdf]
4. Synthese tetrasubstituierter Ethylene durch reduktive Kupplung von Ketonen mittels Ti(II)-salzen. Zur Anwendung der Methode; D. Lenoir, Synthesis 1977, Issue 8, P:553-554 (Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Ethylenes by Reductive Coupling of Ketones with Ti(II) Salts. The Application of the Method) [141] [pdf]
5. Fe-III-TAML-catalyzed green oxidative degradation of the azo dye Orange II by H2O2 and organic peroxides: products, toxicity, kinetics, and mechanisms, N. Chahbane, D. L. Mitchell, A. Chanda, D. Lenoir, A. D. Ryabov, T. Collins, Green Chemistry, 2007, Volume 9, Issue 1, P:49-57 [131] [pdf]
6. Selective oxidation of organic compounds. Sustainable catalytic reactions with oxygen and without transition metals?; D. Lenoir, Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2006, Volume 45, Issue 20, P:3206-3210 [125] [pdf]
7. Low melting sugar-urea-salt mixtures as solvents for organic reactions - estimation of polarity and use in catalysis; G. Imperato, S. Hoeger, D. Lenoir, Green Chemistry, 2006, Volume 8, Issue 12, P:1051-1055 [124] [no_pdf]
8. Chemistry of protoadamantane. 7. Rapidly Equilibrating Unsymmetrically Bridged 1,3,5,7-Tetramethyl- and Rapid Equilibrating Trivalent 1,2,3,5,7- Pentamethyl-2-adamantyl Cations. Additivity of 13C NMR Chemical Shifts Relating the Classical vs. Nonclassical Nature of Carbocations; P. v. R. Schleyer, D. Lenoir, P. Mison, G. Liang, G. K. S. Prakash, G. A. Olah, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1980, Volume 102, Issue 2, P:683-691 [120] [pdf]
9. What is the nature of the first formed intermediates in the electrophilic halogenation of alkenes, alkynes, and allenes? D. Lenoir, C. Chiappe, Chem. Eur. J., 2003, Volume 9, Issue 5, P:1036-1044 [105] [no_pdf]
10. Chemistry of protoadamantane. 4. Preparation and Solvolysis of Secondary 4-Protoadamantyl Esters, the Relationship to the Solvolysis of 2-Adamantyl Derivatives; D. Lenoir, R. E. Hall, P. v. R. Schleyer, Journal of American Chem. Soc. 1974, Volume 96, Issue 7, P:2138-2148 [87] [pdf]

Present value of h-index: 43
Research Topics (non multa, sed multum): see Publication List attached
“Synergy of Experiments with Theory”
1. Organic Chemistry
1.1 Prelude, Steroids, Antibiotics;
1.2 Carbocations;
1.3 Sterically Strained Alkenes and Stilbenes, Bridgehead Alkenes;
1.4 Mechanisms of Electrophilic Halogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes;
2. Environmental Chemistry
2.1 Vapour Pressure of Low Volatile Organic Compounds;
2.2 Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds as Micropollutants, Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and –furans, Thermal Formation Mechanisms, Avoidance by Inhibition, Indicator Parameters;
2.3 Brominated Aromatic Compounds as Flame Retardents, Nonhalogenated Alternatives, Degradations;
2.4 Special Pollutants, Toxicology;
2.5 Efficient Oxidation Methods for Pollutants;
3. Theoretical and Educational Concepts in Environmental and Sustainable Chemistry;
List of Publications of Dieter Lenoir
I Dissertation, Habilitation

Synthesen und Eigenschaften von an Ring D substituierten Verbindungen aus der Digitanol-Reihe; Dissertation, Universität Bonn 1967

Zwei reaktive Zwischenstufen in der Organischen Chemie: Carbokationen und Brückenkopfolefine; Habilitation, Technische Universität München 1976

II Publications in Referenced Journals
with Number of Citations according to ISI web of Science and Clarivate Analytics from December 2021-1969,
224 publications, with 5857 citations, h=43, average citation of each paper: 26,1.
  [ List of publications until 2016 ] The latest list can be found on publons.
III Patents
1. Nachverbrennung von Abgasen von Sondermüll- und Müllverbrennungsanla-gen, U. Nikolai, D. Lenoir, angemeldet für Deutschland, erteilt unter Nr. DE 4117477A1 in 1992
2. Verfahren zur Dekontaminierung und Regenerierung von Zeolithen; S. Leichsenring, D. Lenoir, A. Kettrup, H. G. May; angemeldet für Deutschland am 14.10.1994, erteilt unter Offenlegungsschrift Nr. DE 4436656 am 20.06.2002
3. Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und -Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen; D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup; Deutsche Patentanmeldung Nr. 199 53 418.7 vom 06. 11. 1999
4. Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und -Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen; D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup; Europa Patent PCTEP/10679 angemeldet am 10. 12. 1999 für folgende Länder: Deutschland, Östereich, Spanien, Frankreich, Grossbritannien, Griechenland
5. Europäische Patentanmeldung PLA 9981: Verfahren zur Minderung des Gehalts von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und Furanen von chemischen Hochtemperatur-Prozessen, Anmeldenummer 00975968.9 am 31.10.2000
6. Europäische Patentschrift, Erteilung. Verfahren zur Minderung von polychlorierten Dibenzodioxinen und –Furanen im Abgas von chemischen Hochtempempera-turprozessen erteilt unter Offenlegungsschrift Nr. 00975968.9-2113/1226389 am 14.01.2005
7. US Patent: New Method for Reducing polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and –furans in exhaust gas, D. Lenoir, P. Samaras, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup, angemeldet (filed) am 19.04.2002 unter Nr. 131800, erteilt unter Nr. 6.924.408 am 02.08. 2005
IV Publications as Books, Chapters of Books and Conference Proceedings

There are about 65 references of this type.

V Reviews of Books
  Several reviews in Angew. Chem. and Nachrichten aus der Chemie, refereed in CAS; see reports in Science Finder